Monday, 7 September 2015

#pedagoo Hampshire Learning Conversation

#volunteering via @martynreah has led me to leading a ,earning conversation at #pedagoo Hampshire.
My conservation will centre around learning without levels and without limits. This is based on a piece of action research I carried out last year. You can read my post and associated poster here

My conversation will look at how we could assess children's learning without levels and, more importantly, how assessment impacts teaching and learning (without limits)
To develop my thinking, I'd welcome any comments or feedback via Twitter to these questions, hopefully creating more questions.

The HOW:

How do we assess now?
How do we ensure assessment is rigorous, standardised and fair?
What guidance is available?
Can we still assess accurately without detailed guidance?
How can assessment be judged across different schools or LEAs?
How can we manage this new data?
How can we show progress?

Should children know where they are working at?
How will new assessment affect classroom structure?
How will it affect pedagogy?
How can children close the gap?
Will TAs be used differently?

Please feel free to add thoughts, answers etc. below or via @mistercollard

Then, get your tickets via and join me and @braunteaches in Room D at 2pm, session 4! It would be great to see you all and hopefully take another step in finding some light in the current assessment quagmire.