Sunday, 24 November 2013

Inside, Outside Classroom

A very quick post today but one I hope may engage discussion. 
My school has recently been revamped and we now have a brand new 14 classroom building. One of the features of this are Learning Streets, glorified corridors if you will. 
Various climate walks have revealed that theses read aren't utilised enough. The amount of furniture provided also meant that each child didn't have their own space and working conditions were cramped. 
About two weeks ago, I took the decision to put half the class out in the street and half in the classroom, this changes daily. By doing this, I know longer have a seating plan and children sit where they like. To break up difficult groups I mix them so some are in the 'street' and others are not. 
For whole class input, the street children, if you will, sit on the carpet and use A3 clipboards  and then take their work outside.

The output and effort from those not in the classroom has been the same or better. I feel the children have enjoyed the extra responsibility and space. Friendship related squabbles have reduced as children choose to work with 'sensible' partners. It is also interesting to see the pieces of furniture the children choose to work on, some will quite happily work on the floor. The increased mobility allows for crucial thinking time.
On the negative side, the children who find it difficult to form relationships have found this tough, but I can see they are gaining resilience and are beginning to form new friendships.

I would love to hear from anyone that has a similar classroom setup or is thinking about it.

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