Saturday, 25 January 2014

BETT 2014: My Notes

While my head is still whirring with ideas after a great BETT show, I though I would post my notes of my Friday and Saturday there. The nuggets that I found, great ideas and some interesting products. Everything I have heard has been passed through my primary filter and is peppered with issues which face my school. There may well be misinformation as I don't always listen properly, according to Mrs Collard anyway!

BETT 2014: 
Digital Storytelling: royalty free music search music by genre royalty free photos 

Type pwn to download video - pwnyoutube

Create soundtracks to compliment a written text, fast, slow parts.
Idea sketch- use for brainstorming,planning

100WC - iPads need to be able to view school blog and 100WC
Use in SPAG to provide comments to others around the world-create networks of schools globally to share comments.

Woodlands primary school-great example of using digital leaders and using technology across the curriculum.

Maths Apps

Glow bug
Super 7-number bonds
Sum dog
Number run
Operation math
Daydream education-times tables
Motion math fractions 

Lit apps
Story starters
Shake n tell

Install wordpress at school to aid blogging

Praise blogs- to showcase best work ie head teachers awards on a blog

Use apps for hw- combine home and school learning

Create your own apps-app shed - create own web app
Think about design and target audience
Work on evaluating existing apps and then create own- new curriculum

New ICT curriculum
Can be split into 3 parts:
Computer science-coding, making, creating and collaborating, how hardware etc works
Digital literacy-responsible for own browsing, critical of other apps,websites etc. can discern content.
IT: communicating, being safe and also responsible, understanding the role of web traffic, how search engines work.
Join computing at school (CAS) website- lots of resources esp. For coding and a discussion forum

Technology- makes the teacher invisible, but the learning visible.

Understanding computers:
Makey-Makey: use to create hardware using everyday objects- eg. A grape becomes a mouse.
Raspberry Pi- use to understand the basic components of a computer
Raspberry Pi computers can be used to control cars etc. similar to Lego or run as a computer. We need USB monitors and keyboards to do this. You can use various languages to program them or add on other simple electronic devices so that it can become a weather centre or data logger. Minecraft can also be used very effectively on this. Raspberry Pi computers really show the minimum you need for a computer and will allow children to understand the electronic features of a computer.
Lego NXT to build and program robots- use to draw shapes, solve problems, write instructions, describe the movements, write a narrative for the robot-what happens if... However, software is a bit confusing. A k'nex version is also available as well as Engino. Raspberry Pi could be used for something similar.

Designing computer games- develops how you learn-BLP-children are able to express how they have learnt.
Allows for reflective thinking, modifying ideas and design, evaluating, testing, exploring

Jam sandwich algorithm-program a person to make a jam sandwich-limit amount of commands
Start with real life coding tasks- using children as robots eg. Drawing a square with chalk outside, making a jam sandwich, brushing teeth, making a cup of tea, battling robots- learn to debug their own algorithms
Focus on computer language:
Input, move, turn etc. numeracy vocabulary 
Then move to hopscotch or daisy the Dino, move on to scratch

Coding products available: Espresso coding-a good start point but very limited in terms of creativity and real excitement for children. Purple Mash-from 2simple is similar. 
Lots of software is based around designing games-very little for website design. is a good start for this. 
Children can use notepad to begin designing images and websites. (More training needed)
Binary number system could be introduced around Y5/6 - Excel could be used to change the colour of cells that have a 1 or 0 in to introduce the idea that a picture can be made using numbers. Binary number system can be used in maths.
Angles, rotations and measurements are all important as well as precise language.
Scratch- widely used and discussed can create games, images, quizzes with lots more scope. Ideas and lesson plans from CAS and Code Club.

8 IPads
Website that explains how to use 8 iPads in each class at all times-8 @digitalroadtrip
Products of Note:
Clicker 6: very useful for supporting all levels of writing. Features included the ability to select word lists for topic vocabulary, synonyms to increase that level of vocabulary and a reader function which could correct sentence demarcation errors. New word lists could be created by copying text from a website and filtering out low frequency words.
Brainpop-a great learning support with lots of videos.
Yes Programme-a site with videos created by adults in all forms of employment. It explains what they have to do in their jobs and then link it to an aspect of the curriculum, thus putting the learning into a context for later life.
5aday fitness-selection of videos for exercises and brain breaks, also in MFL forms.
Fiction Express-online stories created by published authors, with a chapter a week. Classes vote on what should happen next and the authors write it. Also has accompanying guided reading type questions.
3D printers- coding and DT together, still pricey but coming down.

Snappy words-creates a word web of synonyms to support writing-more visually interesting than right click in word.
Hyperlapse- plays a sped up version if street view from one place to another-writing stimulus, exploring different areas of the country.
Google Tour- create a world tour use historical information and add commentary etc. May need to be run on a PC only?
Google Cultural institute-tour world heritage sites and galleries-children could curate their own gallery around a topic. May be PC only?
Cool text-has a bank of fonts to use in class eg. Harry potter font.
Classroom lots of tools to aid interactivity and engagement. Create your own spinner to pick children rather than lolly sticks.
 Fakebook -create a mock facebook page to talk about a character in a story-who does Frodo like? Or is friends with? Use for e-safety. Use to talk about numbers, friends could be factors? Shapes etc. 
text message generator- write messages between characters in a story or historical figures. Eg. Romulus texting Remus.
Class dojo-behaviour management website that gives children points and virtual prizes for good behaviour.
Blockly- a program to teach coding, moving blocks and creating mazes as well as navigating mazes. Available on the hour of code website as an Angry Birds version with instructions.
Echo genesis-a music/sound generator could be used to create a score for a narrative or sounds to inspire writing.
My pop studio- a tool for writing, singing and performing
Record tripping-practice mouse control by scratching records like a DJ!

Touch develop - app creator for iPads

Use twitter to show and share work quickly with people. Eg. Tweet an author a piece of work inspired by their writing. Do the same with art.
Thing link-
Link all work together from a topic with various apps etc. embed into a picture

Pic collage- digital storybook using pictures, video and audio.

Using QR codes to create a choose your own adventure or any kind of hunt. You could also  send home codes  for parents to scan on their phones etc. and share their work.

Aurasma- use it as a feedback tool when you scan a child's face it can give audio or video feedback about their work. Can also be used for book reviews in a library.

Wordeo-an app that takes words and adds video and sound to them. Good for remembering key vocabulary or as a story starter.

Tim Rylands:
Using technology to enhance the outside, senses and bring together all ideas in one piece.

Moving Forward: 
Creating an online sharing system. Work can be shared quickly and easily with home, providing instant feedback, praise and the chance for further work at home. By sharing virtually, it also allows for lots of peer assessment, possibly in conjunction with social media.
Possible solutions: Google drive -work can be shared across the platform
Dropbox-as above with work stored Ina cloud.

Edmodo- is a Virtual Learning Environment- it provides a platform to share work and for teachers to mark online and give feedback. Tests can be given through this and scores collated. It also provides a communication platform for children, parents and teachers-ideal for setting homework. Good examples of work can be shared easily and children who do will be rewarded via the site.

Children will become more digitally literate and will need to express themselves in a modern format as well as traditional paper methods. We need a way of storing this information and being able to record teacher feedback  and progress. Each child could have a digital folder, to accompany or replace their workbooks. Written pieces could be photographed or copied into a digital format or form part of a larger body of work or the scaffolding to get to the finished piece. Videos etc. could be shared via a You Tube Channel or other video sharing site. This digital work could include mini interviews with head teachers award winners about their work and then played in assembly or shared online.
In class, Apple TV can be used to share individual work. In an app like Explain Everything children can explain an idea or method in a plenary using images or text, these can be shared.

Pedagogy-should have a digital idea at the heart of it, this will enable digital literacy, create an audience and hopefully engage more students in a skills based curriculum. IT can be used to supplement each stage of our essential learning by supporting it rather than replacing it. 

iPads used more regularly can allow children to view or listen to teaching content and then carry out an activity or investigation-this allows the teacher to mentor each child providing a personalised learning journey and cementing teacher/pupil relationships.

Teacher to pupil sharing needs to be easy using the iPads. The air drop and air printing features need to be working well so that teachers who create videos or examples of work can quickly distribute it to the whole class so they can begin to work. Again, this would allow teachers to close gaps in learning or understanding. The next progression of this idea, is to share the videos which are to be used as the starting point the night before via the schools's digital platform. Tis would allow children to arrive prepared for the lesson and given time to think about the ideas as they go about their day. Flipped classroom?
Have a device setup to for those that don't watch at home. 

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