Saturday, 28 February 2015

Audience for Writing

Improving writing, is high on my agenda at the moment and I've been looking at several tweaks.

The first of which is adding an 'audience' section to our planning. This fits in alongside the usual learning objective but importantly adds purpose. I've changed the way I work by also including an outcome in my planning. 
What is the final outcome of the block or sequence of lessons? My planning includes a skill objective linked to the new curriculum to ensure I'm covering the new stuff. Alongside this, is the work outcome that I expect the children to produce to evidence this. I then work backwards planning in the skills and knowledge the children need to achieve the work outcome. @alanpeat sentences are great for this as they can be linked to certain genres of writing.
Now, I have started adding an audience. Next week, we are looking at Avatar and writing non-chronological reports about Pandora courtesy of @literacyshed but the final output will be a podcast. This can then be shared via the class blog, school website and Twitter-audience. The following week, we have a school poetry competition so there is again a purpose. 
Last week, we made our own books based on the surreal book, Tuesday by David Wiesner. These books have been shared with Year 2. 

My class can write: they are creative and expressive with their language. However, they aren't always careful or absorbed in their work, hopefully, an audience will support this. I'm sure many teachers have an audience in mind when they plan or children work but making it explicit has certainly changed my mindset. #marginalgains

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