Thursday, 2 July 2015

WE ICT 2015 Notes

WE ICT 1st July

Alan Winfield-Robotics
Robots in real world perform routine tasks. 1st wave
2nd wave robots designed to work alongside people.  Anthropomorphic
Robots vs
Bio mimicry-animals and technology to interest more children. Not just robots. 
Design your own biometric robot:
1 what problem does your robot solve
2 what animals have inspired you
3 what would your robot be made from
4 what problems could you have

Esafety at Walliscote, WSM

Esafety weeks and theme days. Eg. Dress as a game character
N Somerset site has lots of resources, drama packs. 
Guides for parents- how to change settings in facebook etc.
Part of a safety week- road, beach, sun, first aid etc lots of free people from local area to come in and do workshops. 

Nessy-online version children can play at home
IPad apps coming September

Computational Thinking

Logic, algorithms, decomposition, pattern, problem solving, abstract thinking
Thinking at heart of computing curriculum.
Not always using a computer
Assessing the thinking- using unplugged methods.
Design technologies on paper- A computer system  to protect the kingdom from a dragon. 
Children work collaboratively, create flow charts using symbols to think computationally. Computer architecture. Children create a common language.
Provide good assessment opportunities and the chance to scaffold learning before using the computer. Children will be more confident when using computers as they have rehearsed the thinking.
Devon Teaching School Partnership Teach Meet

Oliver Quinlan
Digital Making- Nesta report called Young Digital Leaders survey of digital creativity across UK. 
Apps for - building app projects
Make things do stuff- a portal to digital making. Make it digital project with BBC resources on BBC website-Dr who coding game. 
Only 11% of primary teachers have a computing qualification.
Half of boys think technology is interesting only a third of girls. making jewellery using technology. 
Make things creatively with computers. 
Literacy- scratch animations, animation, filming interviews, presenting learning in different ways.
Computers can only perform binary calculations but quickly, so you need to creatively apply your ideas to this platform. 
Seymour Papert- Mindstorms book
Algorithms underpin thinking
Minecraft Edu- teachers need to become familiar with children's digital making. Adults can be easily impressed even though the child hasn't learnt that much and could create something even better with some support. You can use Minecraft to build functioning sensors. 
Making is seen as the end product, however making can form part of the learning process, where problems are solved. 
Learning to make or making to learn?

BLOGGING - Ian Rockey head at Westwood with iford, Wiltshire.

The Focus-
Quality Posts
Quality Comments-KSH
accurate punctuation
Creating an audience
SDP Raising writing standards, Internationalism
@DeputyMitchell  Quadblogging
Take it in turns to comment on blog so work is produced every four weeks by one school. Commenting is weekly.
Add a revolver map to inspire children. Where is my writing being seen? Can inspire reluctant writers to write for a reason.
Use picture prompts with 5 quality sentences-puzzle boxes
SPAG activities
Develop feedback comments to encourage specific comments. 
5sc, 100wc
Use the blog for homework- support e-safety.
Maths word/picture problems
Effect on standards - 80%2b+ 31% 3
At KS2 41% below national average. Now 100% attain L4
DeputyMitchell led CPD- an INSPIRE event?
create opportunities for writing
Engage all writers
KS1 Class blog
KS2 individual blogs to support writing. 
Use of big writing
School hosts own blogs now! Via WordPress 
Comments from famous authors etc. 
Use blog to upload sounds, video etc. Need to make sure all content works. 
Use Twitter to encourage more views.
Create codes for posts and stick them in books with a comment. Evidence of marking. 
Most classes have over 4000 views over the year.
Lots of different types of writing, little but often.
Embed video etc. Into blog.
This must be straightforward and guaranteed to work.
Use twitter to publicise posts, use Pie Corbett, DeputyMitchell and Tim Rylands- over 60000 followers, massive audience.
Thank people for comments and visit their blog, develop international links.
Use: Animoto, linoit,audioboom, podomatic, thinglink,, piclits, qr-code-generator - to add sparkle.
Use as a window into school life. Google Apps for Education


Use google chrome with google tone to get everyone in the room on the same page.
Using technology to reach more children. 
Everybody has an IEP children can find their own way to learning by using technology and being engaged. 
QR codes around school that link to videos to explain how things work around school. Child made videos. 
Using augmented images over other images- eg. Football match
Constellation apps that show you constellations against the night sky.
Use Aurasma for before and after pictures using image overlays.
Technology quest-using qr codes, languages etc. utilising all of technology. use this to change the reading level of text without changing the content. Allow children to access texts that their reading level can't access. 

Photo Math- scans and shows answer and steps! Means maths must be taught in a meaningful way and deeper understanding NOT lists of sums. 

Using technology to enable all children to learn in their own way.

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