Sunday, 28 December 2014

2015 Targets-Self statutory

#nurture1415 has inspired me to think about my aims for the New Year. As someone who sees the summer holidays as the year marker, I already have some targets 'I made earlier' so it's good to think about those and realise not much has changed.

1. Publishing

More blogging from myself and more importantly my class. I also need to find regular 'guest' commenters to empower my writers.

2. Video 

I need to get my You Tube channel up and running with some quality content. To work on using video and You Tube more frequently in class and give the children the chance to publish their excellent video work online.

3. Lead

To gain more experience leading and managing across my year group and in whole school projects. My current data project is requiring a new data package that I'm building and a complete rethink as we move away from levels. This growth will be under the excellent guidance of @fullonlearning who continues to challenge my thinking.

4. 3As

My efforts to gain promotion have come close in 2014. The work of Alan McLean and his 3As of leadership will be a driving force in my development in 2015
Affiliation, agency and autonomy will be my mantra as I try to guide teachers towards the new assessment practices. The 3A approach will also develop the growth of TMWSM which I co-founded with @wookie666 and has had two successful events so far.

5. Run

Mainly as a result of a barren Christmas in terms of tailoring and the well travelled shirts getting a bit snug. I need to make time to run three times a week at least and get back to a half marathon or two. 

Hopefully, by writing this I may be more inclined to actually follow them through, it's also easier to work out percentages.
A big thank you to @ictevangelist for inspiring the hashtag. Happy New Year!

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