Saturday, 24 January 2015

BETT 2015 Notes from Friday 23rd January

Project to send code into space. Apply by 3rd April.
Assessment without Levels
Michael Tidd questions about assessment.
Is the output able to be shared with children?
Using Raspberry Pi
Pi Academy-free training
Geek Girl Diaries -YouTube @missphilbin
Minecraft Pi-free books from Raspberry Pi Foundation
Sonic Pi-coding software that uses text to play- a good next step after scratch.
Google STEM ambassadors
Code club volunteers to come into school and run code clubs, usually professionals in ict.
Using Blippar
AR app with building tool coming soon. Blip Build. Better than Aurasma because you can move away from an image.
Enhancing physical objects by creating a virtual environment to enhance learning. Building a large education resources bank. A 2D image can create a 3D image that you can explore, analyse data, interact with an object and create questions about a subject.
Sir Ken Robinson
TED talks- Great for inspiration and personal CPD
Questioned the nature of school culture, the idea that education should be standardised. Revolutions start from the ground up. If we all change what we so then the system will change. Culture is the total of people's behaviour so by changing behaviour cultures will change.
Out of Our Minds - Ken Robinson - Book
Education should be:
Economic, creative, cultural and personal.
Encouraging all children in their talents could lead them down many paths in future life. Learning is not linear. Personal creativity and general creativity.
Played nuts in a tube video. Technology is about being creative with what we have. Tools and technology are synonymous and allow us to do things we couldn't before, we can use these tools in new ways to do new things - this is creativity. Viewing things differently.
Mind art video
We need to make our tools come to life to enhance learning.
Landfillarmonic video about a Paraguayan slum's orchestra. About Capitalising, recycling and self learning. You shouldn't throw away rubbish and you shouldn't throw away people.
Schools are like organisms, they must adapt or die.
Teach Meet:
Sir Ken Robinson: Spoke about the relationship between teachers and children being at the heart of education. Teaching requires constant adjustment depending on time, weather etc.
Joe Dale: Appsmashing-using multiple apps to achieve a final outcome. Lots of scope for Mable. Needs the ability to publish to a real audience to be successful-publish online. Use camera roll on ipad as a hub to transfer data. Books: IPad ideas book-Greg Kulowiec, App Smash Challenge Cards, Pinterest Board-SAMR Model and Appsmashing Board.
Alan O'Donohue: excellent resource for creating non linear stories. Could create: A choose your own adventure story, a story plan, innovating sentences, planning different scenarios for a project.
@daviderogers Give students the chance to prove facts. Question their assumptions and develop their curiosity.
Coding Activities: Code Kingdoms and Erase All Kittens (EAK) use Java script. Upper KS2
#Teacher wellbeing- bags to help teacher well being. Happy teachers equals better teaching and learning. Possibly make bags to give to other year groups.
Scientific Thinking: Get children used to failing and use failure as a starting point for learning. Ask children to predict and argue about ideas and thinking. Don't give answers easily- develop curiosity,suspense and learning excitement.
Ian Stuart- Islay School, Scotland: . Children are in mixed age classes depending on where they feel comfortable. Teaching of vocational subjects alongside traditional teaching. School doesn't use interactive whiteboards but projectors and tablets. Teachers learn with children using wealth of online experts. Lots of international collaboration. #dropthepilot
Andy Lewis @iteachRE called for more teacher led discussions about pastoral care. Lots of pedagogical ideas are shared but pastoral ideas are not but are equally important in learning.
@ianaddison talked about using the app Skitch for annotating work. Particularly science and maths.
Erasmus Plus: Great example of continental collaboration between at least 6 schools. Lots of sharing, learning and energy. Apply online before March.
Get to know a Governor: Invite governors in to see teaching in action, develop relationships.
@ASTsupportAali lots of great ideas available at Cheney toolkit.
- sticky plasters to cover persistent mistakes.
- invite parents in or send work home for them to mark.
-start a lesson with a current trending #. Good for starting discussion and getting thoughts on relevant news.
- Roll A... Series- lots of resources for children to choose. Eg. Next word
- viewers and listeners- a great way to share ideas. Half of class watch and then tell listeners who write.
- Help Desk-A place for children to get learning help. Could be manned by children too.
- Share and Replace board for staff to share ideas and replace with a new one.
- Half desk, half whiteboard- paint desks with whiteboard paint so they can write on tables.
- Eureka Jar- a jar where children can write what made them understand something. Great for self reflection.
- culture box- a prepared box that contains things about the culture of school and area to be shared globally by post or skype.
Live Action Programming: Use drama to reinforce computational thinking in a fun way. Use costumes etc. to mimic typical coding commands.
Blogging- use a weekly hashtag to encourage themed writing or discussion. Use blogs to share problems and encourage learning at home.
@techczecj using e-readers to encourage low readers and dyslexic children. Texts can be read to child. For books visit: Wattpad, feedbooks, load2learn, wikibooks

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